Understanding different types of loans: Good vs Bad debt
What are the different types of loans available and how to determine if they are good or bad for us....
How I categorize my spending as a woman?
This post explains how to set budget categories basing on needs of women....
How much percentage of stocks should your assets consist?
This post explains what an asset allocation should consist and how much percentage of stock, bonds and cash should we have basing on our age as per experts....
Downsides of being on FIRE path and how to overcome them
Some of the cons of being on the path of FIRE and how to overcome them....
No Nonsense ways to find a Side Hustle or a Passion
This article helps you in re-directing you to right site basing on your skills, talents and your interests. You can also learn and excel on some these sites....
FIRE(Financial Independence Retire Early) Movement
This article is about achieving Financial Independence and retiring early. It is movement that started in 1992 where young people start investing early and retire by the age of 30s or 40s....